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Miss Mustard Seed Fan Deck includes 18 colors on card stock sized 3" x 5", with color history and pairing ideas on the back. Miss Mustard Seed Fan Deck is a great guide and tool for any color enthusiast.

Newest colors not included: Mora, Marzipan, Layla's Mint, Bergere, Arabesque, Schloss.

Miss Mustard Seed Fan Deck

  • Spend Pay
    $0 - $9.99 $4.50
    $10 - $49.99 $8.50
    $50 - $99.00 $12.50
    $100 - $149.99 $15.50
    $150 - $199.99 $17.50
    $200 - $249.99 $21.50
    $250.00 - $299.99 $23.50
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